Hello my little feathers ! I hope you are doing fine. Today I would like to speak about something I really love in Sweden around where I live, which is Skåneleden. What is it ? Skåneleden is a hiking trail : one of the longest in Sweden. It’s located in South Sweden (in the region of Skåne – just around where I live in Malmö) and offers more than 1000km long beautiful natural landscapes and cultural experiences. It’s divided in 5 separate trails, and a total of 89 sections. Yesterday, we walked for the second time since we moved here, and we walked the section (Nord till sydleden – which means from North to South of the trail) and chose the section Torna Hällestad – Knivsåsen via Skryllegården. A lot of unknown words right? Let’s talk about these 3 beautiful places in Skåne.
Part 1. We took the train from Malmö, where we live, to Lund (a little student city around Malmö). Then we took a bus to Torna Hällastad where our walk was starting. This city is very cute and we could enjoy its nice church and old viking letters.

Part 2. We entered the Skåneleden path and the Natural Reserva of Skryllegården and walked for about 3 hours crossing it. It was very beautiful with almost fantatic forest landscapes. Also, we were completely alone in the nature, this was deeply relaxing and energyzing.

Part 3. Then we entered another Natural Reserva : Knivsåsen and walked through it for about 2 hours. This part was absolutely beautiful, we could admire a stunning blue lake in the end and swim in it to get refreshed after a long 22km walk. Epic!

We really enjoyed this walk and it makes me realize even more how Sweden is an amazing country. Looking forward to hiking Skåneleden again.
Do you also like walking my dears? Where did you go?
Main photo by Urmi (License: Creative Commons BY)