Hello my girls ! How was your week ? Today, I want to re-write about a subject I love, and to which I dedicated an old blog post. A subject that is to me so important, that I want to update the old blog post and just make a new one, to make sure you read about it now you’re so many. It’s about tea tree oil, this oil we should ALL know about. It’s THE unique product I’d bring to a desert island if I would have to pick only one. This simple oil is itself, a powerful beauty product, and a must have when it comes to treating small everyday wounds. In short, I use it for almost everything ! It’s very cheap and I really want to share this secret tip with you !
The miraculous tea tree oil
This oil comes in a very small “essential oil” bottle, with a drop cap. You can find it in any health shop, or online, and it cost around 6 to 8 euros. A very very cheap price for what it brings ! Because in this small little bottle, you find a solution to most everyday skin problems, whether it’s for beauty or health. And this is how I use it.
Tea tree oil is my best ally for a beautiful and healthy skin ! I use it on a daily basis to purify my skin, to dry out my spots and to heal the different small wounds, thanks to its strong antibacterial and healing properties.
Use on spots : one to two drops of tea tree oil on a wat stick that you put on the spot for 30sec
- If the spot didn’t come out yet, it’s going to avoid it to be too big.
- If the spot is already out, it will dry it out and make it go away quicker.
- On a spot you pierced, it’s going to avoid infection.
- On small wounds (e.g. after you pierced a spot), it will help them heal quicker.
I basically use tea tree oil everyday on my skin ! Everytime I get a spot, or if I see one coming, it does miracles. Once a week, I also use 2 drops of tea tree oil directly in my night cream, that I then apply to my whole face. This purifies my pores and avoids skin problems. (Make sure you do this during the night to avoid going out in the sun with the essential oil, which can be irritating for some people – even if, with two drops only, I think it’s fine).
Tea tree oil is a very powerful natural disinfectant ! I never use medical products to clean my little everyday wounds, only tea tree oil. And actually the same goes for all the small skin problems. It even works great if you burn yourself, by calming the pain feeling.
Diverse uses on everyday small skin problems, putting one or two drops on the wounded zone :
- If you cut or scratch yourself, it will clean and disinfect the wound
- If you burn yourself, or even if you sunburn, you can use it to calm the pain feeling. In this case you can mix it with a cream (that does not contain perfume).
- On microbial infections (e.g. mycosis) it does miracles and removes the microbs in just a few days of use. Not very glamour, but true and worth to be mentionned ! 🙂 Sorry.
- If your gums bleed while brushing your teeth, use a drop on your toothbrush, mixed with the toothpaste. It will clean the mouth bacterias responsible for the bleeding. (If your gums bleed everyday, though, you probably need to go to the dentist for a proper cleaning. You should normally do it twice a year, so, book a meeting :D).
In some words, for everything that concerns the skin, or small little external everyday life problems, you can use it. It’s antibacterial, desinfectant, calming, healing = it’s EVERYTHING. And I love its woody smell ! I’ve been using it like this for years, since my mum first discovered it. Since then, I am very grateful to her because I could never stop using this wonderful natural oil. So I really hope this discovery will be as usefull for you that it has been for me ! Lot of kisses my dearests !
++ Did you also already use tea tree oil ? ++
++ If not, do you think you’re going to try it ? Let me know your impressions ! ++
Never heard of it before, thanks for the tip! 🙂 And thank you for the comment about my hair, love! You have such a lovely blog. xx
Oh thanks a lot sweetie ! Your blog is such a discovery to me too ! And it’s going to be a way of learning swedish too !
<3 Have a great evening !