A very important thing to do while traveling in Australia : a road trip on the Australian East Coast. For us it was a little more special than for most people: when the world has no boundaries, when the time is not a problem and when in a plane, in 24h brings : OUR MOTHERS!
A little specification for us : being with our mums
Pure happiness ! After 8 months of separation, we were like two little girls waiting for their Christmas gift! 1 hour wait at the terminal exit, jumping, giggling, looking for them having many false hopes … ( “I see them ! I see them !!! Oh no !!! 🙁 it’s not them yet “).
And finally …. Hhhhaaaaa! Our moms !!!! Warm hugs, tears of joy.
Mixed dormitories, not too expensive food, goon, nights camping, noise, a lot of young, aggressive insects, heat, but above all, a lot of good mood!
starting point : brisbane
We started by spending a few days in Brisbane, we visited the city and did a little shopping (relatively calmed activities while our dear ladies were recovering from jet lag), then we quickly headed to Noosa, Fraser Island, the Whitsundays, Cairns and its rainforest then back again to Brisbane to spend the end of year celebrations all together.
Noosa: beautiful walks along the beautiful Australian beaches and through national parks… Lots of beautiful landscapes and outstanding views, enjoying the local sun.
Fraser Island : we toured the island in 4×4, with a lovely guide and a group of very friendly Irish. We visited the main attractions of the island such as Champagne Pools (natural pools in the middle of the rocks bordering the sea – thrills when waves crash into them), Indian Point (the highest point of view of Fraser Island with views to 360 on the landscape), a Japanese ship wreck, and other memorable activities.

We slept in a camp in the middle of 3 groups of 50 backpackers, armed with a quantity sufficient goon and beers to drink 10 times the population of Paris (well, OK, I’m exaggerating, but you get the idea) … We had a lot of fun!
Whitsundays Islands : It was so beautiful … White Haven Beach, a beach with the finest sand in the world, they say … It’s so fine and perfect that we could compare it with talc or flour … In short, the happiness bars.
Rainforest (next to Cairns) : very good time spent in an exotic location. The first day we followed a guide for a walk through the forest, which made us discover a lot of plants, aboriginals. I discovered one of their rites : saw a spiny plant that the natives used to cure their headaches.
Finally, we returned to our starting point, Brisbane, to spend the New Year holidays.
Many travelers fear this time because it is strange to be alone down under at Christmas time. We were lucky because we were in the presence of our moms.
This trip was great and we will all 4 remember it forever I believe <3
stop in melbourne
Then with Bouboule we headed south of Australia, in the State of Victoria, more precisely in Melbourne.
Melbourne is a very nice city, filled with street art and very “European” in terms of architectural style.
our last destination ; working hostel in berri, NEAR ADELAIDE
Then just after, we drove from Melbourne to Adelaide and Berri, a small town where there is a concentration of farms, in order to find a job in fruit picking and extend our visa … That’s where we are now, all three (with our Swedish travel partner – that became my lover after).
From Melbourne to here (about 800 km), we benefited a caravan from a relocation. A great tip, the principle is : a car rental company rented a vehicle to individuals who move from point A to point B. But the rental company needs someone to take the vehicle back to the point A … So instead of paying staff, they re-rent the car at a bargain price ($ 5 per day) to others so they can bring it back for free.
For $ 35 each (GPS and insurance included), we drove a campervan beach Platinum (highest range) for 3 days : 2 double beds, fridge, microwave, TV, DVD player, shower, radio, air conditioning, tables, chairs, oven, shower, toilet … A real home on wheels! We would never have been able to pay it … We have been very lucky and we really gets off!
Currently we are at Berri Backpackers, a working hostel where we pay rent against their help for finding a job in fruit picking. The grapes season starts soon, so hopefully we’ll find a job.
SOON THE END OF AUSTRALIA : how it makes me feel
Only 2 1/2 months visa left in Australia. It happened so fast ! I have a little addiction to travel. Sometimes I catch myself dreaming of new horizons, directing me to another continent … Asia, South America …
I find myself dreaming of elsewhere. Not Paris, not back home. Not for too long. It will be so good to see my family and friends for a while, but once the euphoria of the last reunion, what? Resume a career, find me an apartment?
Yes, why not, after all it is the classic pattern, maybe I should. But why not something else?
Sometimes I catch myself dreaming of living outside the box …
To remember this experience, I decided to make a tattoo : a feather, symbol of freedom. The freedom I have now. I also because I LOVE feathers.
Well, my article come to its end. Lots of love <3 and thanks for reading.
Photo credits (main photo): Seth Doyle