Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well and that you had a great summer. And also that the return was not too difficult. As every month, I welcome you all for the instant plume: the edition of the good things of the month. Let’s discuss the good things of August, and in the second part of the article, I will share your nice posts published on the hashtag #instantplume on Instagram. This little good vibes hashtag gathers more than 5,400 posts today: ONLY JOY!
The good things about August
The pregnancy continues and I am finishing my 2nd trimester…
Do you realize how fast it went? Only about 3 months left and our little É. will be with us. A mixture of eagerness, excitement, and apprehension… (for the last one both for the delivery and afterward). What an adventure this is going to be!
A little crush
The Belgian e-shop Pepito Kids Corner for baby’s little things. Look at this musical koala… Isn’t it so beautiful? As you may know, the symbol of the ” koala ” is strong for us because our nicknames are both ” koala “, we met in Australia (one of the reasons) but also many others… We love to sleep, cuddle, we are slow… Haha. So our little É. will be a baby koala and this music is just perfect.
Not to mention the cute set of mittens and soft birth hat… just a fan! Really a great discovery.
Your Instant Plume of August
I can never thank you enough for bringing the Instant Plume to life by publishing your little everyday joys on Instagram! You are the best and I am really very proud of our little community. Every time I see new names being added and I keep making great discoveries. I hope you do too! Don’t hesitate to check out the hashtag #instantplume and subscribe to it so you don’t miss anything.

Thanks again for all these nice posts! As well as for your time reading. I tell you in September!