This post about transitional home design in collaboration with the writer Jessica McMannon and contains promotional links.
There are so many household design articles out there that you probably feel a little overwhelmed if you’ve been planning a renovation for your humble abode. You don’t want to end up with a confusing jumble of numerous different styles that clash with one another, but you also don’t want to settle for one style throughout your home. That would be a big commitment. There is a compromise to make, however. If you opt for a transitional design then you’ll have a consistent theme throughout your home without settling for one style. Transitional design combines elements of traditional and contemporary styles to create a timeless and fashionable blend of ideas. In this article, we’re going to talk about how to create such a look in your home.
Allow rooms to breathe.
Transitional design is usually very minimalistic; that’s the way in which modern design influences it. The goal is to make your home as spacious as possible without stripping it of its character. You want to end up with a household that feels open and welcoming rather than empty and uninviting. You can start by getting rid of any old possessions you no longer want or need. We all have clutter in our homes, and it’s impractical as well as aesthetically unappealing. Once you start to get rid of the junk that’s cluttering your abode, you’ll notice that rooms feel much larger and much more inviting.
Use texture throughout your household design.
If you want to nail transitional home design then you need to use some textural elements such as wood, glass, fabric, and steel throughout your household. As mentioned in the previous point, your goal is to create a minimalistic design in your home without making each room feel empty. That’s why you need to use textured design to add some intriguing styles to your humble abode. Most importantly, it’s about combining natural design (which is more traditional) with manmade design (which is usually much more modern). You might want to seek help from Carpet One to install some engineered timber floating floors. That would definitely add some traditional style to your home with a design piece that seamlessly connects with any other style you’ve used in a room. Wooden flooring is textured but still relatively neutral.
Create focal points in each room.
You also need to create focal points in each room if you want to give your household a transitional home design. Again, this is about maintaining a minimal and neutral aesthetic whilst allowing a bold sense of style to seep through. For instance, you might want to put up some enticing art pieces on the walls. Even something as simple as a colourful poster (I wrote a previous article about this on this blog) could help to add character to a room. Maybe you could have an intriguing light fixture that draws the eye. All you really need is one strong focal point per room. It’s about giving your humble abode a sense of style. Each room should make an impact in some way.
Do you like these posters ? Read more about it in this previous article : how to decorate on a budget ?
I hope you’ve enjoyed those tips ! I personally love taking care of my home. In Sweden we spend a LOT of time at home because of the weather not being so nice most times of the year. So our home is a very important place, that we need to make the cosiest possible so we can enjoy being there for long evenings and weekends.
If you wanna read other tips about home decoration, it’s this way !
* What is your favourite kind of home design? *