Hello, everybody. Today I’m pleased to share with you an easy homemade bread recipe. Really easy. I’ve always believed that baking bread was no small task, but once I actually tried it, I was amazed at the results and the effortless work involved. Sure, I have a food processor (this one that I love so much). But it only allows me to save time in kneading the dough. You can knead the dough by hand, that’s fine. You’ll just have to be a little more patient. All right, here’s my easy homemade bread recipe below!
Easy homemade bread recipe with only 4 ingredients
You will need flour, water, fresh yeast, and salt. Can it get any simpler? I’m not sure.
More precisely, here are the ingredients (for one loaf of easy homemade bread):
- 350 grams of flour
- 10 g of yeast
- 25 cl of water
- a small tsp of salt
The recipe of the easy homemade bread :
- In your food processor (or in a bowl if you don’t have a food processor), mix the flour and salt.
- Mix the yeast with the water (which must be at room temperature) in another container.
- Bring these two mixtures together in the food processor (or bowl) and knead for at least 20 minutes (at least 30 minutes if no food processor).
- Make a ball, and leave it to rest for 2 hours under a kitchen towel.
- Then bake the bread for 1 hour in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius.
All you have to do left is enjoy!
I hope you liked this recipe and that it will be useful to you. It’s a pleasure to make your own homemade bread. You know what you put in it, and you enjoy it even more than when you buy it.
Also, if you don’t eat a lot of bread, you can freeze some of it. Personally, what I do here is that I prepare two or three loaves of bread each time. I slice them and put them in the freezer. Then every morning I take out a frozen slice and put it right in my toaster and it comes out all grilled and delicious!
Everyone here enjoys my homemade bread, and we buy less and less of it in the supermarket. And as in Sweden, we don’t really have bakeries like in France… well, it’s a chance to have better bread all the time!
A French woman needs her bread everywhere in the world! Haha, don’t you agree? See you soon!