Youpiii, this is Instant Plume n. 13! It means several things. First, 13 is a lucky number (or bad luck for some but I always prefer to see the positive sides of things!), so that’s a good start! Secondly, it means that this is the first Instant Plume of the second year round. Because yes, 12 previous Instants Plume = 12 months = 1 year. Time fliesss! What happiness to see that this little concept has perdured and blew its first candle! Now it’s time for the Instant Plume of November.
Instant Plume of November (#instantplume n.13)
Like every month, welcome to all of you including the new ones! The Instant Plume concept (review all articles here) is rather simple. It’s a little happiness concept that started from a hashtag created on instagram #instantplume. The goal is to share our little moments of happiness of the everyday life. Things that give us a smile, simply. Today this hashtag brings together nearly 2800 posts on insta (WOW soon 3000 … madness)!Do not hesitate to join our little squad happy people on instagram by inserting the hashtag #instantplume under your posts !
The little things of November
1. Christmas is all around us….
The beginning of the Christmas markets, the stores that are filled with brilliant decorations, the days that are getting shorter and the LEDs everywhere that replace the sun … I personally love the Christmas atmosphere, don’t you? This year, because of the long – very long summer, I did not feel part of the Christmas mood until the end of November – but once in, impossible to get out. By the way, I show you a little Christmas DIY that we did with colleagues, super cute, isn’t it?
2. We bought a new super bed!
And Leia loves it, as you can see. This bed is really great, a king size 180 cm wide, in which you feel like at the hotel! Happiness. It comes from IKEA, reference BRIMNES (in case it interests you too). Frankly it is not so expensive and it is just perfect! In addition it has plenty of storage (shelves in the bed head + 4 large drawers under).
3. A delicious recipe to share with you: gingerbread cookies mousse
I had already shared my recipe of Swedish Christmas cookies (Pepparkakor), here is a mousse recipe based on these delicious gingerbread cookies! A true delight. For the recipe, it’s THIS WAY !
Bon appétit!
4. In November, I’ve been challenged…
I had already told you about my skin problems since I stopped my birth control pill in February 2018. Well … in November, the problem has speeded up a little, unfortunately. I talk about it more in this post. My acne, which was very light before, got worse and becomes difficult to live with and to accept. I sincerely hope that it will improve. I booked a few appointments to treat the problem (dermatologist, acupuncturist, and hormone balance check). But it’s not fun at all! Especially as a blogger where my image is so important (photos, etc). I’ve never had pimples before and it’s hard seing my skin become worse for every week in the mirror. To be honnest, I don’t even feel like taking pictures of me for the blog, etc. So don’t be surprised if I don’t post any looks for a while. Well, you’re going to ask me : why is this an #instantplume ? It’s not really happy actually! TRUE. But, I keep it here because I find that this episode in my life, as traumatic as it can be, pushes me to surpass myself to find my sources of happiness elsewhere. To not focus on my problems and try to keep up my good mood. To relativize. After all, acne, yes, it’s hard, but there are more serious problems in life, and we must not forget that these are just pimples.
I think I will come out of this challenge (soon, I hope) grown up. So, that’s why it’s, after all, an #instantplume. Send me all your good waves so that my skin stops making its teenage crisis!
Your #instantplume of November
Every month, what a pleasure to see your beautiful posts! Thank you all for your contribution, you really are the best! I invite you to visit the little hashtag #instantplume to make nice discoveries on insta, because there are plenty of beautiful people, beautiful accounts and beautiful pictures to discover. Why not even follow the hashtag? Nothing like it to not miss the posts of our little HAPPY community!
A happy event! My friend @sophiesmoods is getting married! Congratulations to the future spouses. Much much happiness to you both!
Because to look at a good Disney is always a good way to get in a good mood. Oh, and then if you’re also knitting in front … #paradise
Beauty is self-love and taking care of yourself. Being adorned with your most beautiful smile, or pretty accessories, like these pretty earrings <3
Intense life moment…Such a dream <3
Happiness is knowing how to fall back into childhood for a moment as often as possible! Too cute little bunny 🙂
Because a little cat’s snout always helps to feel good! #socute
The pleasure of eating good and natural things <3
Enjoy the beautiful colors, and the powerful communicative power of art ….
Nature treasures…
A flower’s delicate perfume…
Our smile: the most radiant beauty secret!