Hello my darlings ! How was your week-end ? Here, it’s winter ! (Well, yeah I know, it’s technically autumn! But it’s so cold here it feels like winter!). But honestly ? I love it ! I think I prefer the cold half of the year, because it’s so cosy to wear thick knits, boots and jackets. But one think is for sur : it’s not because it’s cold that we can’t wear skirts anymore, no no no! So, today, I want to show you my new favorite skirt : my leather skirt.
My beloved leather skirt
When you think “leather skirt”, you think also about a bit “vulgar”, isn’t it ? Well, I don’t think so at all ! And I think it’s actually a must have when it’s worn correctly and associated with the right mix of pieces. So, I admit of course that I’m not a fan of the total look : leather skirt + high knee boots + décolleté + lot of make-up. But, with the right associations and some self-confidence, it fits PER-FECT!
So, here is my advice : wear it with a thick knit + if possible flat shoes. Here for example, I associated it with sneakers, and I think it looks pretty casual. Don’t you think ?
I take advantage of this blog post to show you my recent favs : my lovely wool grey jacket from Vero Moda shopped this autumn and that I wear almost everyday day because I love it, my beautiful Nicole Vienna watch with marble effect which is just -let’s say it- W.O.W (!!!!!) and my diverse jewelry pieces from Asos and Aparanjän. As well, my H&M black wool hat, amazing accessory which gives some fashionnable style to the outfit and which is also just perfect for the rain. Last but not least, my lovely bag from the italian brand Don Donna, that I’ve had for a while !
Do you like this look ? Lot of kisses my lovelies. Looking forward to reading you in the comments as usual ! And enjoy your week !
++ And you, are you ready for the leather skirt ? ++
Go on the “Shop My Style” tab of this blog
Credits :
Nicole Vienna watch, Model Soir N.47 Mesh (-15% on the FR site with the coupon code “PLUMEDAURE”)
Leather skirt from Bik Bok
Sweater, Sneakers, Stockings, Wool Hat from H&M
Bag from Don Donna
Earrings, bracelet from ASOS
Necklace from Aparänjan
You look beautiful.