Hello my dears ! As many of you maybe know already, I am vegetarian. I became vegetarian after moving to Sweden and living in Scandinavia… before that, I never ate a lot of meat but I actually thought being vegetarian would be very hard and boring. As I LOVE food so much, I thought I would have to get frustrated too often if I would switch to a veggie life. But actually… none of this was true. Because 1/3 of the people are veggie here in Scandinavia, and because it’s very common here, I started trying many veggie meals : at work, in restaurants, at friends… and I realized very quickly that you can be SO CREATIVE and eat EVERYTHING you want when you are vegetarian. You can still make delicious burgers, hot dogs, curry meals and delicious stuff… you just need to replace the meat, the ham, by something else. And SOY and BEANS are amazing for you here. Not just as they are… but also transformed to be as close to meat as possible. And to feel and taste like chicken of beef as much as possible… So you don’t have to say goodbye to Carbonara, or Bolognese. And today I want to talk about my best discovery recently to illustrate that : the Oumph!
This is Oumph! : it’s totally made from beans. It’s healthy, very healthy! It’s rich in protein (from plants only), and in fibers. But it’s also respectful of the planet because the climate impact of plant protein is so low. So : you eat good stuff, you don’t participate to killing the poor animals, and you save the planet 🙂 What else?

I’ve used it in burgers, it’s so delicious. Or even just as it is with rice… OMG. So yummy 🙂 The consistency is even better than chicken.
Oumph is basically a new ingredient with a complete unique texture. It’s exactly what we need for a better sustainable way of life for our planet. Read more about it here.
Yummy, right? Would you try it? Looking forward to reading your impressions ! Lot of kisses <3
Photo credits : main photo Francesco Gallarotti / Other photos > Oumph! website
Oumph is a game changer love it
Hehe I know right? So delicious and It could change many things ! More people should eat It !
Have a Lovely day 🙂 and Thanks for your little comment !