Hello beautiful people ! How is your week going ? Getting ready for Christmas ? Did you start the Christmas gifts mission already ? Personnaly, it’s my mission n°1 this weekend : find most of my gifts for everyone ! Wish me luck ! But I have actually already started with you, my little exceptions (13 000 cute exceptions haha! ). Indeed, I’m already starting to spoil you from today with the result of the first Christmas contest. Hope you like the idea of contests all over the December month, and that you liked the 1st contest. You could win a beautiful personnalized map from Mapiful. I loved this concept of “Create your own map” and I really wanted to offer you one! So, let’s say a few words about Mapiful.
Create your own map with Mapiful
This nice Swedish company has a real concept! A city you particularly like ? A souvenir from travelling ? Your original city where you were born ? A country crush ? A dream destination ? Somewhere special in the world, that counts ? You can create your own map of this world place with Mapiful and immortalize it.
– the zooming (you can choose to show up the city, the region, the country, the continent that you like) ;
– the orientation (landscape or portrait) ;
– the text (the title, the font, etc) ;
– the map itself (you can choose to show the buildings, the streets, the names, etc) ;
– the format… in one word : EVERYTHING !

+++ And you, what place in the world would you choose ? +++