Hello my little feathers ! Because I love to share nice plans with you and because I love Copenhagen, I would like to advise you to go to Copenhagen in early June if you can, so you can attend the Distortion festival ! A music festival where the whole city of Copenhagen becomes a big party from 5 to 10pm 3 days in a row. Epic !
Distortion : party in Copenhagen for 3 days
The Distortion festival is basically music and street parties everywhere in Copenhagen for 3 days. A lot of people in the streets, a very good mood, loud music, cheap drinks and just a lot of fun. You should really check it out if you can, if you want to visit Copenhagen it could be the right time (happens early June every year). It exists since 1998 so it’s really a cultural event to try out once in your life.
On the program of the festival :

You shoud really go if you can ! It’s the perfect timing for a weekend in Copenhagen : nice weather, party… I hope you liked this article and these pictures ! Lot of love <3