Hi all ! I hope you had a great weekend and a good beginning of week, and especially that your mood is GOOD ! Today I wanna share with you a natural tip I’ve included to my routine since 2 months approximately. And I’m SO addicted to it : ginger shots! It’s super easy to make, and it’s full of properties : good for waking up in the morning, good for cleansing your body = it keeps you healthy ! Let’s talk about it !
I advise you to make your ginger shots from lemon – honey and ginger (of course!).
So, 1st, you have lemon inside it. And here it’s already so many properties : removing toxins from your body, beautifying your skin, giving your vitamins for more energy, etc etc. You can read more about lemon properties in this article : lemon water in the morning.
Second : you have ginger inside it. And ginger is one of the world’s healthiest food. Ginger is basically GOLD for your health. Among its multiple properties (so numerous), it :
- Fights all kind of viruses & infections and boosts your immunity system
- Relieves morning sickness (and all kinds of nausea)
- Reduces muscle pain and soreness (perfect after sport)
- Reduces levels of blood sugars and fats = good for your heart
- Helps digestion
- Reduces menstrual pain
- Prevents cancers
- Improves brain function
It’s just crazy how ginger is good for you. Take it all winter and you will probably avoid getting the flu. Take it every morning and you will be more energized. I can only recommend it! And it’s such a kick in the morning ! Better than coffee ! It really wakes you up !
Ingredients (for 1/2L = approximately a week of ginger shots) :
- One big piece of ginger (or 2-3 normal pieces) – see picture below

- 5 lemons (normal size) – if big size 3
- Honey
- A juice centrifuge (so you can collect only the juice from it) – a blender is different because you will get pulp but you want only the juice ! If you don’t have a centrifuge, I really recommend you buying one. It’s a great investment and you can make juices from everything (fruits, vegetables). It’s amazing! Here is the one I have, you can buy it online for approximately 79 euros and it’s a very good one I recommend.

How to do :
- Cut your lemons and ginger in small pieces on a cutting board

2. Pour some honey at the bottom of your bottle (honey here is important to sweeten the taste of your shot – because lemon and ginger only is a bit hard!!! 😀 But that’s what you want though, you want it to give you a morning KICK! It’s not supposed to taste like a sweet candy ;))
3. Crush all your lemon and ginger parts in the centrifuge. Make sure to not crush too much ginger at a time because it might damage your centrifuge (ginger is very hard – like carrots). Just put a bit of ginger and lemon at a time and repeat
4. Pour the juice in your bottle using a funnel and shake!! Shake it shake it!
5. Keep in the fridge – take one or two shot glasses at the time. Caution ! Don’t take too much as ginger can be irritating for the stomach.

I personally take 2 every morning (I love the FRESH KICK sensation) and sometimes one or two more in the afternoon. But never more than 3-4 a day ! I could drink the whole bottle but I keep myself from doing it. I don’t wanna ruin the benefices of it. 😀
Enjoy ! I hope you liked this article ! Don’t hesitate to let me know about it and also don’t hesitate to like my facebook page and my Pinterest account ===> Widgets on the right column.
LOT OF LOVE and thanks for reading, commenting and coming back <3
Main photo credit : Dominik Martin