Hello my little feathers ! I hope you’re having a good summer ! Hope also that going back to work for those who did was not too hard. For those still in vacation, enjoy the last days BIG TIME ! For me this year, the destination was Spain : Valencia more precisely, which is in the South East of beautiful Spain ! My dad bought a nice villa there for his retirement so we can spend some family time. So, in this beautiful context, I wanted to show you my summer look! A nice crochet bikini (very original), beautiful hippie chic jewelry and details, and some basics. Natural, nice and comfy!
To start with, I wanna show you this beautiful Zara shorts, bought recently. I love them ! With some discrete colors patterns for a little hippie chic style. The top comes from ASOS, I love basics like this.
Should we talk about those beautiful Aparanjän jewelry ?
Here is my crochet bikini from Crochkini, hand made and beautiful. Upon reception I was a bit scared it would be too fragile and not water resistant… But actually it’s totally fine ! You just need to readjust it often because it moves quite a lot, but the quality is great. And it dries quick. Isn’t is so beautiful ?
Here my sweeties. I hope you liked this look ! Lot of kisses !
To shop the items, it’s this way :