Hello my girls ! Today I just want to write about this amazing little object that entered my life a few days ago : my amazing beautiful thermos that I bring with me everywhere. You might think : “But, mm, it’s only a thermos. Nothing so special so far !?”. Yes, it’s true, a thermos is a pretty random thing. But this thermos is special, it’s the best thermos !
My lovely best thermos, and why I love it so much
I love tea, it’s a fact. But this, I think you might already know! With all the tea pictures I post on Instagram, the tea-dedicated articles on my blog…it’s not really a secret anymore. I am a #tealover. And what more logical for someone who loves tea than wanting to bring it everywhere ? Because yeah, for example, in the weekdays I don’t really have time to drink my tea in the morning at home and before work. CRIME. It’s too hot to have time to wait for the right temperature before I can drink it. And there are so many other things to do in the morning : shower, make-up, hair, take pictures for Instagram, snapchat…(haha the bloggers and digital influencers will recognize themselves!). So it always ends up not having time to drink my tea and rushing for the bus.
ANYWAY. I always wanted to find a great thermos, that combines all the attributes to make it worth that qualification. A thermos that does not leak. A thermos that keeps my tea warm. A beautiful one. A practical one. It might sound easy to find, but NO ! I found pretty thermos but that leaked as soon as not on a plane surface. Thermos that didn’t leak but unfortunately ugly and not at all girly. Some non-leaking and pretty thermos but not practical : where you must prepare the tea BEFORE and pour it in = lost of time.
This one is just perfec because : it looks amazing (all in glass and with the bamboo cap, I love its design), it really does NOT leak (even if you shake shake it, you won’t loose one drop), and it’s PRACTICAL ! Indeed, you can prepare your tea directly in this beautiful thing : just pour one or two teacups of tea, or even a tea bag + some water, and you’re good to go !
Isn’t it so perfect ? If you are interested, you can shop it on the brand website, Teatox. They also sell amazing teas with multiples missions : to help concentration, to gain energy, to balance the body, to detox and loose weight… For info, you can get -15% on their site until the 31/10 with the coupon code OCTIG15.
I personally chose the FOCUS tea to help me concentrate as I’m a very busy girl. YEAH YEAH SO SWAG 😀 . No but, without kidding, between my job (my real job in Digital Marketing) and my second job (my passion of writing here in the blog, of posting pictures on Insta), it’s true I’m never bored. But, god, I love it! Interacting with you, reading you everyday is a real sunshine in my life and I’m sure I entered the most beautiful personal experience in my life. You’re growing exponentially our little community on Instagram, we’re soon going to be 7000. It’s crazy and wonderful. And the same thing goes for the monthly visits on this blog. The last 6 months have been a real delight, you are a part of my everyday life now. This blog is my baby, my most important project. So thank you for everything, because without you none of this would exist ! I actually never have thought that I would come this far already.
++ What about you, do you also love tea ? ++
++ Are you using a thermos to bring it with you everywhere ? ++