Hello my little cats! Already the beginning of August, and that means two things: 1) it’s time to talk about the good things of the month of July (the #instantplume of July) and 2) I go on vacation on Wednesday for 3 weeks – first in Spain with my dad, then in Croatia with my love. Ahhhh, finally! This article will be the last one before September because the blog will also take some well deserved vacation to get back to you rested and full of new tips & discoveries! In the meantime, you can of course find me on instagram (@plumedaure)! But hey, it’s time to talk about the good things of the month of July!
July Instant Plume (#instantplume n.9)
Before we start… If you do not know yet the concept of the hashtag #instantplume, here is a small crash course! It’s very simple: this hashtag was created in order to become aware of the little things of everyday life, moments of light happiness (hence the play of words instant “plume” which means feather in French). The concept is simple: you insert it under an instagram post that makes you HAPPY. A special thing, a moment you wanna remember, some coocooning time at home, your little dog, cat, bunny … Something that makes you SMILE and that you want to share! Because all that is shared is multiplied, and happiness and good vibes spread quick <3
More than 2000 posts on instagram today, so much HAPINESS! Join our little squad of happy people! Just insert the hashtag #instantplume under your happy posts on instagram!
The little things of July
1. Travel crush
In July I went to visit Skanör, the most beautiful beach in southern Sweden, in all Sweden even maybe. If you spend a day in the area make a stopover: white sand beaches, crystal clear water, small colorful houses just too cute … it’s really adorable!
Read my article on the subject here.
2. Natural moments
July is the perfect time to stroll through the wheat fields, and admire beautiful sunsets. Same for the sunsets on the beach. On this occasion I wanted to share some of my best shots of the month …
We also had the pleasure of eating our first homemade carrots this month! Happiness. And before that, it was homemade radishes, salads, dill and basil … Given the success and the delight of the plantations this summer I can tell you that next year we are planning to plant even more !
3. Beauty’s favorites – sweet and clean products
This month I would like to talk to you about this cleaning mousse from Sampar that I really adored and that I use with my Konjac sponge (which I mentioned to you in the June instant plume – to re-read if you missed it because really this sponge is a life changer!). This mousse without parabens suits my sensitive skin. I use it in the morning and in the night on my Konjac sponge, and cleaning my skin with small circular motions to detoxify my skin from accumulated impurities during the night or during the day. I find that it really soothes the skin that is all fresh and clean before applying my usual facial care.
Another product that I really liked? This body balm with argan from Fleurance Nature, moisturizing and with a super clean compo. Indeed, I’ve been striving for some time to use natural and safe cosmetics, and so I really double check all the ingredients of my beauty products. If ONLY you knew everything that I thought was “good” and in fact was full of harmful substances because toxic or endocrine disruptors. It’s just catastrophic … Fleurance Nature is clean and you can go for it! I love these products and this butter smells super good. I’ll quickly get you an article on how I sort my products, thanks to the application CLEAN BEAUTY which has just radically changed my way of consuming.
4. TV series crush : Las Chicas de Cable

I just loved this series that is happening at the time of “Cable Girls” before the phone we know now, and even that we knew as children, existed. Yes, when to phone we used cables, during the time of our grandmothers. A series with captivating female characters that illustrates the situation of the woman of the time, withdrawn and trapped in traditional patterns. But these women have desires for freedom, and you follow their adventures while getting strongly attached to the characters. Certainly, the scenes can sometimes be a little “cheesy” (I love you, I do not love you anymore, ahh yeah I love you actually … a little too romantic sometimes) but I personally took a lot of pleasure watching this series. In addition, it’s a good way to hear some Spanish :)!
Your #instantplume of July
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing all these nice moments! I invite you to have a look at hashtah #instantplume to discover lots of nice accounts full of good waves <3

Thank you again and take care ! I’ll find you after the summer for the Instant Plume of August and then many others!