• Smoothing out your C-section scar with CicaLux

    Smoothing out your C-section scar with CicaLux

    Hello everyone, today we’re going to talk about c-section scars, and smoothing out your C-section scar with CicaLux. As you may know, I gave birth to my baby girl on December 7, 2020 by scheduled C-section, due to a placental complication detected during my pregnancy (a placenta previa). I had explained this condition in my pregnancy story, and also told you about the D-day of the birth in my birthing story, if you are interested. In short, this much dreaded c-section is now over, went very well overall (PHEW!), and gave me the great joy of being a mom of a real little marvel who fills me with happiness ever since.

    So here we are today, at about 3 months postpartum. I feel great, I have recovered very well, and I must say that my scar is already quite beautiful. Time? Yes. Body’s natural ability to close and heal? Also. But also thanks to the CicaLux treatment that I followed for 60 days postpartum. I want to tell you about this treatment today, so that other c-sectioned moms can discover it and benefit from it if they wish. And at the end of this article, I’m sharing a coupon code!

    Partnership with CicaLux

    What is CicaLux? 

    CicaLux is an innovative device designed to reduce scars from recent or old C-sections. This is already a strong point: indeed, no need to start, as I did, right after your C-section, because the treatment also works on old scars.

    This innovation comes from Belgium and promises an improvement of the scar over 60 days, with a unique technology that combines three therapies for smoothing out your C-section scar that I will talk about below.

    When CicaLux offered me a test just before my C-section, I was immediately intrigued. But it’s tricky to trust one treatment over another for such important things… Then, after some research on the device, and considering the fact that their solution had already received several awards, including the gold medal at the Mom’s Choice Awards in the US and an award at the 2019-2020 Victoires de la Beauté, I decided to opt for this treatment for my scar and to trust them. I am now very satisfied and do not regret my choice.

    How does it work?

    The CicaLux healing device provides a triple therapy for our C-section scar: the action of medical silicone, thermotherapy and pressotherapy. It comes in a kit, which consists of :

    • a medical silicone bandage, which keeps the scar moisturized, works as a “second skin” and helps fade the scar and relieve it
    • a basalt stone (that you can heat to provide heat therapy to help repair skin tissue and soothe pain)
    • 60 single-use tension-reducing adhesive strips (that soothe the pain and prevent the scar from opening up – especially with young scars)

    And all of this, natural and without products! There is no cream to apply or anything. The device is to be applied on clean and dry skin, and it is very easy to use.

    How to use use it?

    The treatment is recommended for 60 days: one tension-reducing adhesive strip per day. You have to keep the strip on for at least 10 hours a day and up to 22h (that is to say only 2 hours of break, without the device).

    Here is how I used it: 

    • in the morning, after my shower, I applied the device: first the clean silicone band, then the adhesive band (duration: hardly 30 seconds). 
    • during the day, I heated the basalt stone in the microwave or in hot water up to 4 times a day for a thermotherapy session (very pleasant, by the way)
    • in the evening, I removed the device before going to bed, then finished the day by massaging my scar before going to sleep (which can be done with my fingers or even with the hot stone).  

    Here is a before/after result:

    I really think the result is great and I am delighted. The treatment was very pleasant to wear and really relieved my scar, which was still very fresh (I started at 6 weeks postpartum). To tell you the truth, for a few days, I had lost my silicone bandage and had stopped the treatment. I started to feel pain again when I walked, proving that the relief CicaLux was giving me was real! Also, after my C-section, the surgeon had actually advised me to use surgical tape on my scar (for its appearance, and to limit tension). CicaLux, in my opinion, is a surgical tape +++++, the crème de la crème for our scar, with the tension-reducing benefits of the tape, indeed, but so much more! A treatment that every mother who has had a caesarean should at least know about.

    Its price? 69 euros for 2 months of treatment, less than 1 euro per day. I think that for such a cocooning of our scar, it is worth it.

    And that’s it for my honest opinion on smoothing out your C-section scar with the help of CicaLux. If you feel like getting this device on their website, don’t hesitate to use the promo code PLUME5 which will offer you a 5 euro discount. 

    See you soon and don’t hesitate if you have any question, to ask it in comments!

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