Hello, everybody! How are you doing? Are you holding the “lockdown” (its level depending on where you live) ? Phew, it’s been a long time, though… hasn’t it ? I’m looking forward to this being over, aren’t you ? April was undeniably a quiet month, considering the situation. But I still have a few things to share with you. Because you know what? The advantage of little things is that they happen in the smallest moments of daily life, namely during a walk, or at home… so you don’t need to have an exciting life to experience them. So let’s go for April’s Instant Plume, the 30th (already) edition.
Instagram photo credits: flowers by Chriisss59 and sweets by thedaily.b
The instant plume of April (#instantplume n.30)
As usual, I’m going to share with you two / three little positive things that happened in April. Then, in the second part of the article, I’ll share yours published on the hashtag #instantplume on Instagram.
For those of you who don’t use this little hashtag yet, feel free to start! We have a great community and it’s nice to share our good vibes… especially right now.
The little things of April
- The confinement is going on… but we get used to it!
What more is there to do, you tell me? Well, here in Sweden the situation is somewhat different than in France, Spain or Italy, for example. We’ve never really had any lockdown, actually. Just strong recommendations that follow the others countries’ obligations: social distancing, staying at home as much as possible, and working from home when possible. But here, it’s never been mandatory.
So there are two categories: people who, like us, respect these recommendations and confine themselves; then those who decide to continue their life as usual. I don’t want to judge, because I don’t know which method is best. But all I do know is that with Simon, we confine ourselves. We limit our outings to risk-free nature trips (well, without too many risks, at least), we go shopping at the very least (and we prefer online shopping) and we stay patient.
Of course, we miss our friends, our routine (going to the office for him, me going to my coworking space or working from cafes), going to restaurants, shopping, etc.. But we try to behave in a way that does not put us or our elders at risk. I can’t wait for that to pass, anyway… but when France opens up on May 11th ( Well, we’ll see what happens), here in Malmö it only “really” starts. Anyway… to be continued. In the meantime, we’re gardening on our balcony, taking care of our house, doing creative activities and keeping our spirits up.
Read my “ideas for lockdown” articles.
>> How to keep busy during confinement ? <<<
How to start gardening indoors ? (Urban garden) <<<
- I’ve discovered healthy and ecological cat (and dog) food that I think is fantastic
Healthy, traceable, and environmentally friendly kibbles (made from insect flour) for my kitty. Leia tried them and she loved them! I think the concept of these kibbles is just great and I really wanted to share them with you.
Plus, they are not more expensive than other classic brands (in my case Purina One, for example). I told you about it in an article dedicated to the brand called Tomojo.
>> This way ! <<<
- Two programs I liked on Netflix
Here’s one of our favorite activities during confinement by the way… binge watching Netflix series and documentaries. So, I’ll share with you two programs I’ve enjoyed watching recently:
Tiger King: A documentary about big cats owners in the U.S. Crazy! They’re all crazier than each other and it’s really entertaining (and overwhelming I must say too). An excellent reportage in my opinion that also really opens our eyes on the situation of the tigers in the U.S. …

After Life : I never thought that you could get such a mix of drama and comedy. The script starts with a man who loses his wife because of cancer… not at all the kind of story that makes people laugh. But in the end, the humour is perfectly balanced. You cry, you laugh, you have a lot of emotion and you get attached to the characters. The actors are excellent! It’s done by the same director who did “The Office”, Ricky Gervais, and you can feel his touch. If you liked “The Office”, go for it! This show is a real gem. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
- The little illustration of April
Here is April’s little illustration, like every month too. Little traditions… hihi. This time, I deliberately “hid” the last drawing in the bottom right corner under “surprise” because it’s a “project” that I will reveal to you in a few weeks for sure. But I still wanted to keep it as a souvenir for me, because it’s important. Mystery mystery… any ideas? 😀
> See all my little illustrations here <
Your #instantplume of April

Thank you so much for all your good vibes !