Hello my little cats! How was September? Have you noticed the #AutumnVibes that are starting to be everywhere? Colorful leaves covering the road, trees adorning with their nicest colors, the pleasure of taking out the big cozy sweaters or drinking a good hot tea under the plaid in front of the TV, the rain hitting the windows… Haaa… I love it! Don’t you ? Here in Sweden we call it “höstmys” or literally “autumn cosyness”. I’m sure some of you on the other hand are already missing the summer, right? So, tell me in comments: rather #TeamSummer or #TeamAutumn? While waiting to read your comments, let’s talk about the Instant Plume of September!
Instant Plume of September (#instantplume n.11)
It is actually with a tea and under a plaid, in my sofa, that I write to you the Instant Plume of September. Like every month, I’ll talk about the good things of the month of September, and I will share with you some #instantplume posts found on instagram.
Express catch-up course for newcomers: what is an “instant plume”? Simply a light moment (like a feather – “plume in french”), of everyday life. A simple little pleasure. Everything started from a hashtag idea (#instantplume) on instagram, created to share our little things of everyday with one another. You have completely embraced the concept and you’ve been playing the game since then, and today you are many to share your little moments with our community! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! I think it’s so important to give importance to the little joys of each day and to multiply their good waves by sharing them <3.
The little things of September
1. I starting knitting again
What’s more cozy in the autumn than knitting? This goes totally with the plaid + tea combo mentioned above! I started a big wool blanket project with a kit from We Are Knitters. Very easy to knit and I feel that the result will be superb! By the way, whether to learn to knit or as part of a more confirmed level, their kits are great if you do not know them yet!
2. The Pingle app
Here I am speaking to people who want to visit Malmö in Sweden, or Copenhagen in Denmark (because I know that many of you ask me questions about these cities after you see my posts about them)! I discovered a great app for finding good tips on things to do in the area: Pingle *. Nice restaurants, cozy cafes, inspiration for themed walks, culture trips, and other original ideas… The application is a real source of inspiration, shared by people who tried cool things!
For example, a post that interested me a lot (among others) was the recent one ”Make your own fermented veggies in Lund**”. A free workshop in early October where people can learn to make kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles… (yummy). I’m so sad because I will still be away in Paris and can’t make it, but, knowing that Pingle has this type of activities I’ll check it every week to not miss anything! Hope this workshop will occur again!
In addition, if you like meeting new people/travelers/expats Pingle also allows you to connect with others while trying all these new things! For example here it could be fun to create a Pingle to invite other home-veggies-growing lovers in the area to try pickling their stuff with me ! 😀
In short, if you visit Malmö or Copenhagen, I recommend this app, which in addition to being inspiring and practical, is free!
To download it, it’s this way!
* Sponsored by Pingle
**Lund is a mega cute city close to Malmö, maybe even more colorful that Malmö
3. Organic beauty crush
This month, I had a crush on one of the lipsticks from Avril. An organic brand which offers products with clean compositions and at mini prices: love it! This lipstick (Corail 596 tint) has been with me every day since the beginning of autumn. It has a pretty dull rendering, and he’s holding up well throughout the day. I wanna get more colors!
3. DIY hair mask
In September I started making my hair masks at home. And a mask that I particularly liked: the DIY hair mask with spirulina. It is super easy to make and it’s perfect for a deep moisture of the hair (perfect for my hair in this month of September that was dried by the sun and the sea from our trip on a catamaran in Croatia this summer).
Learn how to make this mask here.
Your #instantplume of September
Thank you for all your nice #instantplume posts on instagram! It’s always a pleasure to watch them every day and to see you give importance to the little things of everyday life! Today there are more than 2,350 posts on this hashtag, it’s just a concentrate of happiness! I can unfortunately not share ALL posts but I invite you to go on the hashtag on instagram to make very nice discoveries!

Lot of kisses my little babes ! And see you soon <3