Hello babes ! As you know, on Monday, April 3rd, me and my darling, we moved to a new appartment ! Our new home sweet home, a two-storey rooftop loft, is part of a brand new building that has just been built. Upon arrival, everything was so new : the walls, the floors, the kitchen… nothing had ever been used. The opportunity for us to shape our little cocoon according to our image, as we had always dreamed about. So, today, 10 days after moving in, it would be lying to tell you that we are completely settled. We lack of some more decoration, small objects, to give more life to our little home. But, we still spent hours on decoration and furnishing sites to find the perfect looking chairs, stools, tables, desks, lamps and at reasonable prices. So I wanted to show you the result, but above all … as all these furniture are still available in those shops, so I wanted to make you enjoy these good plans! What to shop this season for a Scandinavian decoration inspiration?
What to shop for a Scandinavian decoration inspiration this season?
The chairs
I am simply in love with minimalist, bicoloured chairs, with wooden legs, and a body made of canvas, or plastic and leather / plastic and fabric. I looked for a long time the PERFECT chairs for each of the rooms of my little home. Not difficult to find something nice … but, not easy to find something nice AND not too expensive. Here in Sweden there are plenty of decorating shops … (and I live near Copenhagen so I have even more options) … on the other hand the Scandinavian design prices are, how to say… high like hell! But good news! In stores like Ikea or Jysk (also Scandinavian, but less expensive), they currently have little gems. Proof in pictures.
+++ Our kitchen chairs (JYSK, 79,95 euros) +++
+++ Our office chairs (JYSK, 89,95 euros) +++
+++ Our living room chair (JYSK, 59,95 euros) +++
As you can see, they please our baby cat, Leia … <3 I could not help taking a series of photos of her suddenly … 🙂 and of her little paws. I am so in love with her little paws …
Of course, you can choose these chairs for other combinations with the parts of the house that suit you. They are rather standard, so they go with everything! Go creative !
More inspo : below is a selection of items for sale now, click to know more!
The lamps
What enhances better a room than a pretty lamp? Here is a nice selection of lamps available at Ikea at the moment.
+++ Our kitchen lamp (Ikea, 35 euros) +++
+++ My office lamp (Ikea, 29,90 euros) +++
+++ Our living room lamp (Ikea, 59,90 euros) +++
Same here, is a selection of other beautiful Scandinavian design lamps ! Click on the images to shop !
Idea for a minimalist night stand
To finish, I want to show you this night table on which I just had a crush … it is not too beautiful? I do not find it online anymore, but I’m sure you can find something similar if you take a look around.
Voilà babes ! I hope these decorative ideas at low prices have pleased you. I’m entering a new era with my new apartment … I want to offer you much more home design and decoration content! Hope you like it! I wish you a great weekend … and do not hesitate to leave me a comment to tell me what you think of this type of article!
Lot of kisses, Plume d’Auré <3
Elles sont magnifiques les chaises de ton salon!! Je suis a fond dans la décoration en ce moment pour mon futur appartement 🙂
Merciiii ! Ah alors je te souhaite de bien profiter du coup ! C’est super agréable 🙂
Bon weekend de pâques <3