Good morning dear little feathers! I hope you had a great weekend and that you are ready for the new week. For me, this weekend was packing time. Indeed, I’m moving to my new appartment very soon ! Wow, it came so quick : next Monday my darling and I will sleep in our new home sweet home. It feels weird, but nice. Also, this week is my last week of work. A new life begins: the creation of my micro-company as a freelancer, a new house, a new lifestyle. Pfiew. Exciting & also a bit scary ! The crazy thing is that, even if many new things are to come, my current life is also full of twists and surprises. Last week, on the blog level, something crazy happened. I must tell you about it! Not to brag (and I hope you don’t take it this way), but because I like to tell you everything. It is a small symbolic step forward, and it is also thanks to you. This blog is like a small company where you all contribute because without you none of this would exist. So finally, I owe you every small success a little. So I like to share all those little successes with you, because I’m proud of it! And in the end, I like to share everything with you. My good tips, my moods, my looks, my failures, my successes … a big part of my life. Simply because you are all a little part of my daily life, and because I like to share all these things with you. I like to read your comments, I like to interact with you… I will not repeat myself too much because I have already told you about all my love for blogging and everything that makes blogging my passion in this article about my year 2016 and in this recent article.
I also already shared a previous small victory here, at the time when I was named “3rd rising star French digital influencer of the week” in October. Because for me, these “small victories” are rewards of my work, and they are true reminders that remind me that YES, with work, with perseverance, it is possible to accomplish dreams. That with passion, and hard work, all this pays off. And that one day, perhaps, like some bloggers who make me dream today, I might be able to live entirely from my passion and dedicate myself to it 100%.
My small (big) victory of last week, it is here that it happened : www.repeatcashmere.com (I precise that you must be on your computer because it doesn’t work on mobile). Mom, Dad, I hope you are proud of me. I never thought I would ever be featured on a home page of a luxury fashion site, just below the famous model Doutzen Kroes. The animated short video, where I wear my cashmere sweater and where I hold my favorite flowers, pink tulips, taken from this look, has been online since last Thursday on the Repeat Cashmere’s website and will stay until next Thursday, April 30 2016.
+++ I took some screenshots so I’ll always keep a souvenir of it +++
Thanks Repeat Cashmere for this little dream week. “In the future, everyone will have at least 15mn of celebrity” said Andy Warhol. Here is my time. Hihihi.
Here. I really wanted to remember that thanks to this blog post.
Before leaving you I would like to thank you again, because without you, this blog would not live. And without life, a blog does not exist. You are so cute and I’m so glad every day to have such amazing readers like you are!
I send you many many good vibes and advise you to always believe in yourself, to believe in your dreams, and in your projects. Everything is possible! You are beautiful, you are motivated, you are strong, you are brilliant, you are dynamic, you are intelligent, you are gentle, you are gifted … with perseverance and seriousness, you will accomplish whatever you want! Believe me. I am convinced that every person in this world is an amazing and unique person, we all have our own strengths, our own singularities. Let’s stop focusing on our defaults and weaknesses, but instead let’s emphasize our strengths and qualities. Let’s not bare with things that do not satisfy us in life, let’s live to the fullest, and let’s make our life an extraordinary experience. I count on you to look at yourself in the mirror tomorrow morning and tell you that your life is the most beautiful thing you possess. Take care of it as a precious jewel and ENJOY IT!
Have fun ! You are so beautiful when you smile!
+++ LOTS OF LOVE, and have a good week +++
Plume d’Auré