Hello my little cats! Happy to write today the third monthly edition of the little things of the month : the Instant Plume of January. As in the two previous articles (read them again here) we will talk in this post about January’s little favorites, worth to be mentioned. Good moments, good products, good discoveries, etc. Then, in a second part, I will share some posts with the hashtag #instantplume of instagram that I particularly liked. Thank you all for using this hashtag to share some good vibes on the social networks, it’s just a pleasure to see all these positivism-loaded posts!
The Instant Plume of January (#instantplume n.3)
Before we start, I remind you that if you do not yet use the hashtag #instantplume it’s never too late to start! The goal is really simple: to share our little moments of happiness, our little favorites. This can be a good restaurant, a cozy moment @ home, a beauty product that you particularly liked … in short, everything that generates good vibes and that you want to share, simply.
💕Do you like the idea? So do not hesitate to join our group of merchants of happiness! Just use the hashtag #instantplume when posting a happy photo on instagram 💕
The little things & small pleasures of January
1. Crush on the series “The end of the F **** World” (Netflix)

Users of Neflix, have you seen this new series on the home page, showing two teenagers? I started this series a bit by chance, at the beginning of the month. I admit that given the visible age of the protagonists, I did not expect much. Indeed, I noticed that I get older – haha - because when the age of characters in the series becomes too far from mine (28 years, already…anyway), I tend not to have “the little spark”, in other words no crush. 13 Reasons Why, for example … which has been talked about so much everywhere, did not transcend me really. And yet, I tried (I still do , by the way). But I do not know. Too high school, probably. I have trouble projecting myself into the universe.
But I had a great surprise for this series! A new atmosphere, a bit glaucous and completely debauched, which I liked very much. A crazy road trip of two lost teenagers, with marginal characters who have found each other so well. I really liked the sensitivity of the two characters to whom we get attached without even noticing it, behind their appearances of “weirdos”. In short, a must-see <3 a very nice series that I devoured in a week!
2. My new hobby & passion : knitting
It’s been a while since I wanted to learn knitting, maybe 2 or 3 years. This summer, I ordered an easy level knitting kit from We Are Knitters, to easily get the basic equipment at once: my first pair of knitting needles, my first yarn, my first sewing needles, and my first pattern for my first project.
But I do not know why, after several tries this summer I could not really do it. Lack of time, perhaps (more willing to enjoy the sun than to stay in front of tutorials to try to learn)? Lack of patience? A top was perhaps a little too complicated for a first project, while a scarf or a snood would have been easier? Perhaps. No idea. I dropped, a little disappointed. I thought : “Well, I’m probably not made for that”.
Then this winter, I had the urge to try again. This time, the conditions were right: cocooning @ home atmosphere with tea and under a plaid, I watched YouTube tutorials and I really gave myself the means to get there! And well, guess what? I did well, because I LOVE THAT! I found myself a real new passion! I knit almost every night in front of the TV, listening to music, or simply with a scented candle and without noise. This is my little offline moment of the day, my little moment of relaxation, where I think only of my meshes and my needles. A real meditation.
In the photos you can see my first project finalized (the first of a long series – I warn you!): the Gargano Top from We Are Knitters ! Looking forward to enjoying it this summer!
Linked post : Learn how to knit with We Are Knitters
3. A january detox: getting back to sport, healthy eating
After the end of the year holidays, I really felt the need to go back to the gym. And start a small detox session. I don’t know about you ?
I also felt this need after my lifestyle change. Indeed, from 3 hours of marathon back and forth to the office per day, I moved to a daily work from home as a freelancer. I do not complain, at all, I’m super happy every day! But, it’s true that on the activity level, well… I can do better.
So I registered to a new gym and go there twice a week. And… they have a sauna. Happiness ! Then, at the food level, I try to introduce the maximum of vegetables and fresh fruits. And especially to cook more myself. Quite simply. It’s crazy how you can eat better when you make your own dishes.
By the way, did you see my last recipe of butternut sesame and lemon soup with Asian flavours ? A real delish !
Linked post : Back to sport : my tips to stay motivated!
4. Two beauty crushes
Two beauty discoveries that I particularly liked in January: the trio of shower gels from Barnängen Stockholm, and the detox range (yes, that matches my point 3) from Nivea. The smells of the shower gels are very pleasant and remind me of Sweden well. As an expat I can confirm they do smell like Sweden :)! Especially the Sauna Relax that really smells like any Swedish spa (for example, the smell we had in the Nordic outside baths at Ystad Saltsjöbad… a complete scented flashback to one of my best moments of 2017!).
As for the Nivea detox range, I tested the fast face mask (1 min) and the two day & night face creams, and I must say that I love them. For the creams: a very fresh smell, a texture that is not fat but moisturizes well. Perfect ! As for the mask, it is super nice and you feel that it unclogs the pores of the skin. Then at the time of rinsing it allows to exfoliate the skin because it has small micro-balls.
I recommend these two groups of products at affordable prices and great results!
And here are my little favorites of the month! Let’s move on to your posts with the hashtag #instantplume!
Your #instantplume of January
Let’s leave room for a little top of #instantplume posts that I liked the most this month! You are more and more to use it and it’s nice to see! We have exceeded 1000 posts in total this month! Of course, there are also mine, but still, I did not do it all alone so thank you for being so great and sharing with me & with all your little happiness moments of the everyday life! Small pleasures become a great tide of happiness when they get shared, and that is too COOL!

Your photos are too beautiful! You ROCK! I can not wait to see the ones you will post in February! Every night, I go check the new posts on the hashtag and it’s a real treat!
* Share your little happiness from January in the comments : what made you most happy in January? <3 *
Many big kisses ! And do not hesitate to use the hashtag #instantplume on your IG posts to continue the chain of little happiness!
Will have to check out that Netflix show! Sounds like a must see. Wishing you a great week! xx
It’s very nice ! <3 Hope you'll enjoy it ! Thanks babe, you too ! xx