Today, on a partnership with the car rental company Budget, we are going to talk about a lovely fisherman village that is a must-see if you visit the country of IKEA: Smögen in Sweden. It’s cute, it’s colorful, and beautiful! Let’s talk about it!
Visit Smögen in Sweden on a road trip
Not one more word, I let you discover our road trip to Smögen in Sweden in this video :
So, did you like it? This is my very first VLOG so I confess to be pending for your feedback! Haha <3 In any case, I took so much pleasure to realize these rushes, then this montage, from A to Z and I must say that I discovered a new passion for this form of content. More videos will come for sure!
+ If you liked this video about Smögen in Sweden, don’t hesitate to encourage me: +
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And as even where there is change, you should never lose the good habits, and because after all my first passion is and always will be photography, here are also some clichés of Smögen in Sweden to complete this article!
A big thank you to the rental car company Budget for this great experience in Smögen in Sweden!
* See you soon, little polo and beautiful fishermen village !*
*So, are you ready to come to visit Sweden? :)*
Info :
The hotel we stayed in was Vann Spa
More posts about Sweden :
Swedish marinated herring recipe
Falurödfärg color, so typical of Sweden
Visit Skanör, the most beautiful beach in Sweden

Wow these pictures are amazing! Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing with us.
xo, Jackie
Oh thanks, it means a lot as it’s my very first VLOG <3 Video content has been attracting me for so long... I'm really happy to finally have made one ! Don't hesitate to subscribe to my new YouTube channel to not miss the others <3
Have a lovely sunday !
Great video, and I’m loving all the beautiful photos! It looks like it was an amazing trip!
It was ! I really loved it <3
Thanks Valerie for your kind words !
Wow. How stunning! You captured such amazing views.
Oh thanks ! I’m happy you liked them <3 Have a sweet week !
Wow these pictures are amazing! Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks Sunny <3
I really love this post, as I’m a big fan of travel and capturing all the little details,as cliche as they may be!
Love, Mary
I’m the same ! So in love with travelling and souvenirs of it ! A vlog is such a great way to share your images with people but also to remember…
Thanks for your little comment <3
Have a nice evening!
je suis deja allée a Malmo et c’est vraiment une petite ville magnifique. Ta video m’a bien plue aussi!
Cela me fait plaisir, quelqu’un qui connaît Malmö! Et puis qui a aimé en plus ! Ce n’est pas la plus grande ville de Suède et pourtant elle a pleins de belles choses à offrir, avec son calme, sa côte, sa proximité de tellements de belles choses à voir, etc.
Merci pour ton p’tit mot !
Des bisous<3
Great post!!
I love all the pictures 😀
Thanks sweetie ! So happy you liked it <3
Il était vraiment trop mignon ton premier Vlog! Je veux vraiment visiter Smögen maintenant!
Merci Didier ! 🙂 Oh ouiiii si tu as l’occasion de revenir en Suède je te le conseille, c’était TROP joli!
Pleins de bisous <3